A UK National Collection


Epimedium stellulatum  'Yukiko'

Epimedium stellulatum 'Long Leaf Form'.

Epimediumstellulatum  'Yukiko'

Epimedium stellulatum 'Long Leaf Form' - probably

Epimediumstellulatum  L1109 'Wudang Star'

Epimediumstellulatum  L1109 'Wudang Star'

Epimedium stellulatum  'Yukiko'

Epimedium stellulatum  'Yukiko'

Distribution  - China,  Hubei and Sichuan provinces.

Description –   A small /medium growing evergreen species which carries clouds of white flowers similar to E. pubescens only somewhat larger. This has short rhizomes and therefore is a clumping species. The commonest cultivar available in the UK is’Wudang Star’ introduced by Roy Lancaster in 1983. ‘Long Leaf Form’ and ‘Yukiko’ have been available from Koen Van Poucke in Belgium. All three do appear to be distinct. We intend to grow them in the same bed to make comparison easier, eventually.

Epimedium stellulatum  L1109 'Wudang Star'

Epimedium stellulatum

Epimediumstellulatum  'Yukiko'

Epimedium stellulatum  'Yukiko'

Epimedium stellulatum  'Yukiko'