A UK National Collection


Welcome to our new website dedicated to Epimediums, a varied genus of herbaceous perennials of the family Berberidacaea. We are hoping it will be helpful to gardeners knowing little of Epimediums, through to keen collectors. Not being a botanist, William Stearn’s monograph is a little too technical for me. A decent photograph may not be the most professional way to identify a plant but its certainly a good start.

This website is still under construction and will be added to over this winter. Hopefully lots of new pictures will appear during 2016.

The naming of Epimediums in the UK is a bit of a nightmare. During this flowering season (2015) we had around fifteen varieties flower for the first time, which appeared to us to be incorrectly named. These came from nine different sources. We will be constantly trying to make our naming as accurate as possible by buying plants from more than one nursery and cross checking with other authorities. Should you have doubts about any naming or advice given please contact us through the contacts page.

This site is a spin-off from our garden website www.themagnolias.co.uk which has recently become heavily biased towards Epimediums. Some of the pictures are from that site, but many are new. All of the pictures are of our own plants and taken by us.

We hope you enjoy the site and find it useful.

Roger and Linda Hammond

Epimedium Weekend 3rd and 4th May 2025

​10am to 4pm

​We are opening our garden to the public on behalf of Plant Heritage, for whom we hold a National Collection of Epimediums. Donations to Plant Heritage will be welcomed.

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