A UK National Collection


Epimedium elachyphyllum

Distribution – China, Guizhu (Kweichow) province.

Description -  A small sized evergreen species with unique simple 4-5cm wide foliage and tiny pink flowers. This is quite distinct from any other species, of which I am aware and therefore difficult to confuse with others.  Its correct name may be E. parvifolium and it can be found on the internet by both names. (I find William Stearn’s  opening paragraph for E. elachyphyllum a little hard to follow, but I am calling my plants this, as it is what I bought the original as.)

Whilst the flower size is tiny, I think a sizeable clump on a shady raised bed would create quite a lot of interest. A number of plants could make an attractive foreground or edging to a woodland bed. It seems a reasonably accommodating plant to grow for us.