A UK National Collection


Epimedium acuminatum 'Night Mistress'

Distribution - China, provinces of Guizhou, Yunnan and Sichuan.

Description – There are two leaves on a typical flower stem each consisting of three leaflets with spiny margins. These come to tapering (acuminate) points hence the specific name. The good sized flower consists of oval inner sepals with petals tapering to long pointed spurs. These are often in contrasting colours. These are generally fairly robust plants with clumping type rhizomes. Established clumps are 30 t0 45cm (12” x 18”) high.

Numbered collections and named cultivars include: L575, ‘Galaxy L1962 and ‘Persian Carpet’ L1982 collected by Roy Lancaster and’ Night Mistress’.

Epimedium acuminatum

Epimedium acuminatum yellow flowered form -  Cc 011415

Epimedium acuminatum 'Persian Carpet'- L 1982

Epimedium acuminatum 'Galaxy'- L 1962